Want to turn me on? Worship my boobs. You must like big boobs, mine will never fit into a champagne glass. They're pretty bouncy for the size and age they are too. Breasts, for those that don't like the word boobs. Sometimes breasts are boobs and other times they are breasts. Tonight is a boobs kind of night.
My nipples are large but not huge. I've seen some really huge, kind of gross looking, nipples on porn sites. But, I wonder if they are false, like the monster cocks. Oh come on! Don't make me laugh!! I think they substitute a horse's cock in those pictures. It wouldn't be all that hard to do. Does that make it beastiality?
Oddly, my nipples don't perk up even when I'm aroused. I think they're very laid back. They only come to attention when given the proper respect/ worship. If you come out to play so will they. Very contrary of them. But, I completely understand.
Anyway, for the rest of the boobage. Mine are a double D. They get in the way but I adapt. I've never been jealous of small boobs but I can see how it would make life easier. Much easier to find a bra too. My favourite bra is a black sports bra cause my boobs fit right in and stay there, no matter what I do during the day. Trust me, big boobs need a reliable bra.
There are times when having big boobs is embarrassing. You can never really tuck them away and become inconspicuous. My boobs always arrive before I do. If I try to turn around and enter backwards my butt sticks out enough to be a second pair of boobs. So that plan is thrwarted.
A lot of men like big boobs. It's interesting. What do they like about them really? Is it how obvious they are? You can hardly ignore them, it's easy to spot big boobs in a crowd. But, men only seem to look at them as sex toys.
Or, do men really like big boobs as some sort of icky Mother fetish. Is it me they want to suck on or Mommy Dearest? Do they simply miss breastfeedings? Don't look at me, it's not my fetish!
In conclusion, I've yet to find a really good use for big boobs outside of sexual worshipping. They could be a good paperweight if they didn't leave the desk each time I do. They do give all the bra makers something to work on. Don't tell the bra makers that I'm going braless as I type this and I sleep that way too. Why spoil it for them?