
14 August 2011

Sex with a Man Body

Originally posted to Adult BackWash: Friday August 27, 2004  

The best part of sex is the ache. The craving, the need, the feeling that your pussy wants it, now.

Once you get over that hump (aren't words fun) it's all downhill. You rest, you wait and maybe you take matters into your own hands (literally) and get a round two.

What makes you ache for sex? What makes your pussy need it? Is it an odd little fetish? Is it seeing a hard cock or making a cock hard? Is it just not getting any for awhile and... wanting it like a cat in heat?

I'm ornery tonight. Sometimes that's a good thing. It makes thoughts come in more sharply, or less humbly and polite.

If you were tied to the wall in a darkened room, your eyes covered and someone began making lust to your body, would it matter if it was a male or a female? If you're bisexual it wouldn't. What if you were straight or queer. Yes, your body could get caught up in the moment, reach that sex ache stage and you likely wouldn't care whose hands were on you as long as they stayed there, doing a good job.

What about afterwards, when the lights come on? How would you feel, really?

I went to a munch (a casual BDSM dinner party) and I was asked how I knew I wasn't bisexual. She asked me about the scenario above. It was interesting. But, I know I'm not bisexual. I don't feel that need to have a woman's body that I do for a man's. Maybe it's a thing leftover from my relationship with my Dad, a need for male approval. Or maybe I just lust for man hands over my body, all over. (More in some places than others). I don't feel romantic about women either. We can be friends but I'm not aching to have them tied to my bed begging for mercy.

How do you know you're not bisexual? Or, how do you know you are?