
03 March 2012

Kinky ASCII Art

I found an ASCII Art group on Fetlife. I typed ASCII into the search, but I expected it to come up blank. It didn't.

Exploring Kinky ASCII Art on Fetlife

Sadly, Fetlife links won't open very reliably. You may have to login and then find the group by typing in the link (cut and paste it in).

There isn't a lot of fetish ASCII art. There are a lot of nude women but that isn't high on my interests.

I make ASCII art myself. I don't know if I will try something with a fetish. I'd think twice about posting it on my ASCII art site.

See more on ASCII Art Nudes.

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ASCII Art doesn't fare too badly on Blogspot it seems. I pasted it in on the HTML setting and used pre tags for format the text. The only one that came out broken in the preview is the first - it was too wide.