
06 February 2013

Curating Content and Blogging in the Future

This blog continued on... Divorce Darling.

October, 6, 2017 - Update - Decided to close Divorce Darling and move the content here. I don't know if this will be an active site. I'm not that interested in writing the topic as it ends up being about others more than writing for myself. 

Unfortunately, I can't find anything to migrate posts and images (content) from WordPress into Blogger. There is a site which everyone passes around but it does not seem to work. Instead it opens spam links when you try to use it. If you click a second time to upload your file, it then spits out a "converted" file. But, this converted file is going nowhere when I try to import it into Blogger. So, after hours of giving it a chance to work, I am ruling it a spam trap. 

In the end, you can only import your CMS into the same CMS again. Conversions seldom work between CMS's. b2evolution I did have some success with but I just let my domain go so there isn't a domain to host it on now. The adult site never made a cent to support keeping the domain for it.