Why Women Hate Men
Psychotic Letters from Men
and the FAQ - Behind Women Hate Men
I love that these are written by a man.
First of all, it's not a woman complaining about men. Women complain about men and don't get taken very seriously, mostly we get called nasty names and told not to be such a hard case. The fault is ours, we just can't be satisfied, etc.
Secondly, a man can read more into the mind and writings of another man.
Last of all, it gives me hope (hope I badly need) that there are men out there who are worth finding.
The more personal ads I read the faster my standards sink. It gets to the point where even the biggest jerk starts to sound not so bad. As I begin to believe the pickings are really slim to none I make allowances for the jerks and try to suit myself to their needs instead of looking for someone who actually does suit me. This can never work. My needs are not that complicated or especially hard to meet.
So it is really nice to read a man posting about online dating in his own perspective but from the woman's point of view. I really would love to see him post more, but he has taken up freelance writing as a career and may not get back to the blog. Still, there are archives!
Date Wrecks is another site writing about online dating ads but it has also closed up. Your Wrecks is a spin off from Date Wrecks readers. Do you know of any others?