
27 June 2011

A Fetish for BDSM

Originally posted to Adult BackWash: Tuesday February 04, 2003  

I have a secret fetish. My fetish stimulates my mind, whatever brain cells make me feel "in the mood". If sex is all in your head then I'm taking a lot of interesting trips.

Does that sound weird to you? Good. A good fetish should sound weird to someone, that's what makes it unique and individual. What's your fetish? Would you even tell, the genuine, real answer not just the one you feel safe giving.

BDSM is considered a fetish. But, I disagree with that. To me a fetish is something on a smaller scale or something very narrowed down. Such as my figure skater with long hair. BDSM includes many smaller scale ideas which could be called fetishes. As a whole I'd pin it to a theory of sexual play. Not a lifestyle or a religion as some seem to feel. I never want to live as if BDSM was the focus or the core of my life. Also, I never want to make sex into a religion. I just can't take it that seriously for one thing.

Now and then I read about other couples or groups, who have made BDSM into a lifestyle, something they do 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. I have to wonder how they fit having a life into their lives. Would you really want to be that much in command or that subservient all the time? I couldn't stand it. I wouldn't want to always be the one making the footsteps or the one always following in them. How could you be your own person? I think we all need freedom from our roles in order to grow. If you stop growing you're in a rut.

Anyway, fetishes are very interesting. There are an endless variety. I've come to think there is a fetish for anything you can come up with. Likely someone in the world has a fetish for eating horse hair and someone else just goes wild thinking of cans of soup and yet another has a fetish for rubbing the pages of a book over their body. Where does it end? Likely that's some kind of fetish too.