Makes me think of pink bubblegum. |
What do you look for in a dildo/ vibrator? One thing I usually avoid are anything that needs batteries. I don't have much luck with vibrators really. They are either too hard and unbending or they just move all the wrong ways at the wrong time. That's why I look at dildos more often. I had thought vibrators are for women and dildos were for anal sex. So I never used to look at them very much. Later, as I read more, like the information Eden Fantasys has for shoppers/ buyers, I understood a dildo was something that didn't use a battery.
I do like ridges, ribs, something to give the dildo texture. I've heard some women have little interest in penetration. I'm not that way. I like the feeling of being entered. I also like being touched a lot in all the right places - and I don't mean the pussy. It's so much better if you spend time on other areas first, letting it all build up.
I don't know how the skin of the pink bendie dildo will feel on my skin. But, I'm interested in reading about the tip of it, that's where it has the vibrations. I'd like to explore the sensation of slipping it over my nipples, the tender skin of my thighs and then my clit. Last of all I'd slip it inside of myself, very slowly.
See how nice it is to window shop, secretly, in the privacy of your own bedroom?
Thanks to Eden Fantasys for the fantasy tonight.