
04 March 2012

Dolls in Peril, Sometimes Porn

Flickr: Dolls in Porn
Flickr: Sexy Female Dolls
Flickr: Sexy Cartoons and Dolls World
Flickr: Sexy BJD (Ball Jointed Dolls)
Flickr: Too Sexy it's Naughty - Dolls
Flickr: Dolls Sexy by Lingerie and Swim Suite
Flickr: Sinfully Yours: Erotic BJDs
Flickr: Sexy Figures
Flickr: Sexy 1/6 Dolls
Flickr: Pullips are so Sexy
Flickr: Manara Dolls - Sexy Dolls
Flickr: Naked Dolls
Flickr: A Little Intimate
Flickr: Sexy Pullips
Flickr: The Plastic Lady
Flickr: Doll Naturism
Flickr: Sexually Attractive Dolls
Flickr: Pullips are so XXX
Flickr: Sultry Dolls
Flickr: Sexy & Attractive Taeyangs

Naked dolls, sexy dolls to dolls in porn. The most interesting thing about this as a fetish (as I'm thinking about it tonight) is the submissive versus Dominant nature of it.

The dolls are inanimate, completely. They have no voice in what happens to them. They have no way of escaping, protesting, or preventing what happens to them. Kind of the ultimate non-consensual fetish. But... dolls are just plastic, toys really.

Do any of the people posing these dolls think about it as a fetish? I'd say the doll porn types might. But, porn is kind of a selfish/ self centred thing anyway.

The groups I found on Flickr are a range from posing dolls in sexy ways, to posing dolls nude (but not rude) or going all the way and posing the dolls in pornographic (rude?) ways.

I like posing dolls for photographs. I tend towards the dolls in peril, it's fun. Yes, it's probably playing god on my part. I probably am taking advantage of an inanimate object, well... they are inanimate after all. Kind of like posing anything made out of plastic: a grocery bag, a pop bottle, a hairbrush, etc.

But, it would be different if it weren't a doll. There would have to be consent, likely negotiations and all that kind of politeness and consideration of another human being. It does kind of spoil the fun of just being evil and wicked for that little short time. There is a thrill to being wicked. It helps when you know there won't be any repercussions. Well, maybe a few odd looks from passersby on the street if you pose them in public.

Does this mean I'm satisfied with little or I'm just getting even more anti social than I thought?

Anyway, I haven't posed the dolls in sexy ways. Actually, I use two small Bratz dolls (wearing unremovable plastic clothing). There is only so far I go with them.

One odd twist to this doll posing fetish are the groups which have chosen the dolls sexuality.

Flickr: Sapphic Plastic and Flickr: Gay Toys

As weird as it may be to see a doll as something sexual, to see a doll as something sexual with a gender preference is taking it farther into giving the doll a real identity and not seeing it as a plastic toy any more.

Wikipedia : Anthropomorphism