"is a thing now". Later in our human history people won't know that phrase was commonly used and commonly understood by most people. So, for posterity, I'm making note of it for future generations. (Who knows, someone might read this, eventually, far in the future).
Grocery shopping is a thing. Not new, but most people on the planet in whatever location, do go grocery shopping. It may be a weekly event, but not something turned into a national or international event (so far). Grocery shopping is more important than it's given credit for. As a couple we (my now ex-husband and I) would shop for groceries once a week with a shopping list of things we bought every week and things we had, or were, running out of (staples). Grocery shopping could be turbulent at times but it was a time for decision making and working things out as a couple. Afterwards we went out for dinner, our weekly night out. A simple plan which worked.
Small, ordinary events like grocery shopping are overlooked in relationships between people, particularly by people who think they want to live as Dominant and submissive 24 hours, 7 days a week.
First, being that way in public. Before your own wants/ needs remember you are exposing the public to your lifestyle/ fetish - without consent or permission. Consent between the couple, the partners, is only the surface. If you take your adventures public you expose random people and you don't know they will be okay with that. Assume not. Discretion is advised.
Second, grocery shopping is a functional event, you actually do need to purchase the supplies and staples you need. If you get home all happy about your adventures but without the milk, coffee cream, bread, rice, pasta, etc. you have failed to accomplish the task. Also, if you get wrapped up in the fun and forget to bring your shopping bags or anything else needed, that is also a fail. Of course, some people routinely forget to prepare ahead or forget the milk and need to make a second trip, that's bad planning and, if you were a submissive performing a task, you would be disciplined for it.
Third, and probably last, why are events like grocery shopping not seen as important? Men who offer themselves as submissives and slaves throw up a list of things they will do for the women they want to win over. But, they don't really know or think about the common things like grocery shopping. There is a joke, I see it posted in various forms, about women really wanting yard work, house work, home repairs and etc. from men when men offer sex, romance, etc. It's partially true.
Today for instance, what I'd really like is for someone to pull everything out of my bedroom closet and help me sort out what I still need versus all the rest of it. Then pack up the stuff I don't need and take it to the Salvation Army thrift store. It would be a job well done and I'd have space for other things which are taking up space in areas which were not intended as storage. After that, I'd like to stop for a good coffee somewhere in town, after we drop everything off at the thrift store. He could pay, because I'm still that old fashioned, I like a man who treats me to coffee and all those nice little, ordinary things. I don't mind splitting the bill for dinner, and I like treating others when I choose to, but the little things are a nice touch and not a big obligation, for me. Little things mean a lot but they don't have to tip the balance of power and control.
Grocery shopping is a little thing, in its way. Taken for granted. But, all those little events in life make life good and strong and purposeful. So, grocery shopping is a thing. A part of reality for couples who want to live the D/s lifestyle. Enjoy it, don't forget to plan ahead.